The Brainstorm Site of the Week Contest
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This weeks winner is.....
Sky and Wolfers Family Outdoors
An excellent, well-planned, beautiful site. The images and graphics alone make this page worth the trip. A feast for the eyes! Well Done!
Previous Winners List | Our Awards
The Brainstorm contest is simply-put a recognition of originality, content, and design. The purpose of this contest is to reward website builders for their efforts and ideas. Judging is based on our perception of a website as being a "brain-storm". As individuals who know what it is like to have a great idea but have no way to promote it and receive little to no recognition for it, we thought it would be a nice idea to give a little satisfaction to, and appreciation for, those of you out there who are working hard to make a decent destination on the web. Thank you for all your effort and for taking the time to visit our site!
We will visit your page and judge it fairly!-The management
Here's how to Enter:
Just fill out the form to submit your URL. We will review all submitted sites and select a winner for each week. The Winner will be featured here, as well as on the Sweepstakes page. After a week featured all winners go on a previous winners list. If you wish to use your own graphic logo it must be 107 by 85 pixels and in .gif or .jpg format. The award graphic can be obtained through the winners announcement e-mail. To be featured here as a winner and by filling out your URL submission you agree that you will display the award graphic on your winning site for a period of no less than 7 days, to commence no later than 5 days after announcement e-mail is received. Failure to do so will result in loss of your award status and all links to your site from Wired and Brainstorm.

Click here to Enter the Contest with our BrainForm
Here is a sample of what the award graphic will look like. (There are several sizes and designs to choose from!) Thanks! And don't forget to check out our webmaster tools and resources page!