Tripod: An excellent provider of free webspace. The user interface is fantastic. You have a lot of freedom with your content, and they have a beginners editor or advanced! My personal favorite!! Angelfire: Another excellent provider. Angelfire gives alot of space and a lot of freedom. User interface is quite good. Highly recommended! Yahoo! Geocities: This is the biggest one. The user interface is unmatched for beginners, a click and drag window set-up that is self-explanatory and easy enough that a first time internet user can do it. Not as much freedom with content and you must read the user agreement and terms of use very carefully regarding copyright. Fortune City: A great provider. They offer a lot of extra tools, and a real community set-up. A very helpful provider. They offer more storage space than anyone! 321Website: This provider gives you ready made applications to build your own web-presence, or enhance a site you already have. Very useful! Homestead: A click-and-drag interface, lots of tools, lots of add-ons, lots of space. A great provider! |