Previous Winner's List

January 30-February 4 2000
Coolwater, Soothe The Soul

I love this page. You need to take a good look around here. Run by an interesting and creative webmaster, Bethany, this page has a lot to offer in the way of entertainment. This site is truly a brainstorm because of it's unique qualities. Look around, read some hilarious quotes and dialogue, submit your own obituary or poem, and a whole lot more. A fun, creative, original, well-run page, this site has it all and truly stands out as a Brainstorm Site!

February 4-February 11 2000
The Beeline

This website is a unique and exciting contribution to the web! The Awards Page is excellent! The local flavor and professional design make it a joy to visit,the amount of useful information is quite impressive, and if you are from Indiana it's even more of must-see. All the graphics and design are well-thought out, visually captivating, and easy to use. I personally bookmarked this site after my first visit, and I am sure you will as well. A wonderful contribution to the web, and a stride toward quality design on the internet. Make this one a sure visit!

February 11-February 17 2000

For originality, the name alone would be enough, but lucky for us the site's design and content are just as unique. I was especially interested in the quality of services offered here. And they are free! ... a great example of a brainstorm site!

February 17-March 9 2000
Site Down for Maintenance